The first part of the EEISHEA project is the Training of Trainers (ToT), i.e. training focused on equipping teachers in the African partner universities with knowledge, skills and competences to develop the chosen curriculum in accordance with project aims, i.e. to integrate sustainability and entrepreneurship and innovation into the curriculum contents and to deliver the redesigned curriculum applying student-centred learning approaches and relevant e-learning tools and methods. The ToT is organized according to a modified version of the Jigsaw Classroom, and four Training Teams, one for each cross-cutting area, are established.
The overall training plan for all four Training Teams consists of three face-to-face (F2f workshops, the first two being held in an EU institution and the last being held in the African home institution as a local joint workshop with all members of the project team and other interested staff from the university. Between f2f workshops, online training and consultancy is taking place.
Detailed planning of the two EU f2f workshops is the responsibility of the Training Teams while the Local Project Coordinator is responsible for planning the third f2f training workshop in each African university.