Sokoine University of Agriculture
The idea of introducing B.Sc. ITIN degree programme at SUA is in line with the 2025 Tanzania development Vision in developing and driving innovation processes in practice, from problem identification to ideation and finally to the validation and implementation of a sustainable digital product, design, concept, or process in new or existing businesses and organizations. The B.Sc. ITIN degree programme is also conceived as a way of implementing the SUA Corporate Strategic Plan (CSP) 2016-2021 which requires the University to expand through introducing new programs that are demand driven, cost effective, competitive, and sustainable in the ever-changing market. The B.Sc. ITIN degree programme is expected to attract a diverse group of students and train students to develop critical thinking abilities and competence in modern technologies.
A market survey indicated the need for courses related to sustainable entrepreneurship and innovation in the employment sector. The survey revealed deficiencies within the (previous) SUA’s B.Sc. Informatics and B.Sc. Information Technology programmes which include inadequate skills for self-employment, inadequate IT skills, innovation to graduates, inadequate practical orientation of the courses, insufficient time devoted to field practical training, and poor communication skills
The main objective of the B.Sc. ITIN programme is to produce IT and innovation experts that can identify, analyze and evaluate opportunities for the start-up of new businesses and growth in already established businesses.
The specific objectives of this programme are to enable students to:
- Integrate and apply a coherent body of theoretical and technical knowledge, including underlying concepts and principles in computer programming and software development, information systems engineering, computer networking, databases, IT security, web systems and technologies, entrepreneurship, and innovation.
- Demonstrate broad understanding of technology methods, including design processes, whole system approaches, project management, and decision-making strategies and their application in technology and innovation practice.
- Plan and carry out research-based projects on innovative ICT solutions for solving development problems taking into consideration relevant Sustainable Development Goals.
- Identify, analyse, and formulate complex real-life problems of any domain that need ICT related solutions.
- Demonstrate life-long learning and continued professional development to cope up with fast changes in the IT technologies/tools (including e-learning, m-learning, and MOOC).
- Produce innovative IT products (services) of the desired quality that suit local and/or international market.
It is expected that graduates from this degree programme can employ themselves, become entrepreneurs or be employed either in private or public sectors.
Link to the curricula when accredited: