Sokoine University of Agriculture

 The Third f2f Training workshop at Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) took place from May 6th to 10th, 2019, at the Council Chamber Hall, SUA, Morogoro, Tanzania.


The workshop started with an awareness forum on the project where SUA academic members of staff had an opportunity to meet with panel stakeholders. These included graduates from SUA with startup businesses, companies, and firms. Also, current students attended the awareness forum, which saw an audience of approximate 40 persons. The awareness forum was followed by official opening remarks given by the Guest of Honor, Prof Peter Gillah, DVC Academic, SUA. In his remarks, Prof Gillah appreciated the effort made by researchers from North and South who wrote a joint proposal and won funding from European Union under Erasmus+ programme.

The capacity building training on May 7th and 8th was done by Dr A. Sangeda and Dr E. Kira in the area of student centred learning. Dr C. Angello and Ms J. Valerian trained participants in the area of entrepreneurship, while Mr J. Kilima and Mr M. Mussa offered training on e-learning. Dr D. Ndossi taught participants on issues related to sustainability. The participants numbered 26 persons, including the Local Task Force (LTF) and other interested staff members.

Last day of training, May 9th, was used to train staff on an approach called ABC (Arena Blended Connected) Learning Design for curriculum design at programme level. During the session, staff from Department of Mathematics, Informatics and Computational Sciences, who teach Informatics courses and some of their selected students were involved in the re-designing of the proposed curriculum for Bachelor of Science in Information Technology.

After the training days, on May 10th, participants were invited to visit potential project partners involved in entrepreneurship and innovation.

In the evaluation, by the end of the Third Training workshop, participants especially emphasized the ABC Learning Design workshop as very inspiring, good for getting ideas and good because of emphatic facilitators. Teachers and students worked together. Issues for improvement included integrating even more students, alumni, managers and industry owners into the ABC Learning Design process.


The full report on the Third Training workshop at SUA can be found online at the below URL: